Road Work Closure

Challenger Park Residents: Weather permitting; we will be seal coating the main roadway on the property starting at 7:30 am on 10/9 & 10/11. We request that all traffic stay out of the areas we have coned off until the following day when the area is opened by FRAM personnel. We ask that, starting the evening of 10/8, you park in the Church parking lot if your circle will be blocked in with the seal coating work. We will be doing half the road at a time. (See Phasing Map). Please be aware that where the road narrows only one car will be able to get through in one direction at a time. Please pay very close attention when passing through these areas. Please remove your vehicle from the side that is being done on that day. As of the 9th, the West side of the community will be blocked in from the road work and the 11th for the East side. The Church has allowed overnight parking in their lot. The only place that owners cannot park is in front of the Church’s school, however, parking areas that face Wintergreen can be used. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Accord Property Management or use the Contact Us section of the website.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Thank you

Your Board of Directors.