Challenger Park Special Meeting – Voting for Roof Replacement Special Assessment

Hi Challenger Park Townhome Residents,

This is a reminder that the Challenger Park HOA Special Meeting where Homeowners will be voting for a roof replacement special assessment. The meeting will be Thursday July 27th at 6:00 p.m. at South East Christian Church.

Achieving quorum is very important for being able to approve/deny the Special Assessment to replace the roofs in our community. Every homeowner’s voice is important in this matter so the Board requests that every homeowner vote in regards to the special assessment.

In order to achieve quorum, and approve the special assessment, we need 67% of the community to be present at the meeting or vote via paper or electronic proxy.

Paper proxies were mailed to homeowners with the Notice of Special Meeting of Members announcement. If you plan to use a paper proxy, fill out the proxy and provide it to another homeowner that will be attending the meeting in person or scan/email the proxy to our property manager Kim.

Electronic proxies were emailed via Adobe Sign. Please check your email for an Adobe Sign email sender if you would like to fill out an electronic proxy.

Please reach out to our HOA manager Kim if you need assistance with electronic or paper proxy voting at

If you have any questions about the special assessment please reach out to Kim or the HOA board at


Your Board of Directors